Friday, December 18, 2009
2nd Quarter ORB
The Lost Boy is the sequel to A Child Called It. In this book you follow David through his life from age 12 through 18. David has to face many unfair things in his life. He has to first overcome the fear of betraying his mother and telling the family secret in court. Only then is he able to be freed of the ties he has to his former abuse. This nonfiction story is filled with struggles and triumphs. You watch David become more self-confident in a safe environment. You follow him through the difficult task of making friends when you're automatically not accepted. He searches for the love of the mom that he never had, and is always searching for answers as to why his mother abused him instead of the other sons. David's past led him to his unstable life as a foster child, with many psychological problems. Despite all of that, David's story of overcoming circumstances is inspirational.
"The Lost Boy stands shgining as the premier book on the unique love and dedication that social services and foster families provide for our children in peril. Dave Pelzer is certainly a living testament of resilience, personal responsibility and the triumph of the human spirit."-John Bradshaw
Dave Pelzer grabs your interest from the very beginning of the book and manages to keep it. He conveys how he felt and what he thought at that time in his life using simple vocabulary. He writes about situations that makes you feel sorry for him as well as situations where you just want to yell advice to him. The author doesn't write as if he is looking back on what happened, but like he was reliving it. The ups and downs of David's life and the development of the character remind you that David is a real person. This book is a lot like his previous book, A Child Called It, except it's nowhere near as depressing. In A Child Called It you were wondering if David would even survive and a lot of the descriptions were enough to make your stomach flip. In this book you are filled with hope for David and after the previous book you're dying to find out what happens in Dave's life next. If you liked A Child Called It I highly recommend reading The Lost Boy.
"I could feel that tear reach my lips, tasted the salt and let the tear dry on my skin as the sun baked through the windshield. I wanted to remember that tear not as a tear of fear, anger or sorrow, but as one of joy and freedom" (38). Although I'm usually not a fan of nonfiction books, especially biographies, Dave Pelzer's books are en exception. His writing style and inspirtational story make it very interesting. I would love to read the sequel to The Lost Boy.
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Calling in a Storm
I look out at the ominous gray clouds that are taking over the sky. They cast a shadow over the town, promising rain. I pull myself away from the window and turn on the TV. I immediately turn on the weather channel, looking eagerly at the weather advisories. My spirits leap when I see the bright yellow box around South Hadley. Weather Advisory: Severe Thunderstorms makes its way across the screen. I jump up and look back out at the sky, watching the rain already start to pour down. In no time at all the windows are streaked with rain and it’s hard to see outside, so I eventually head up to my room.
I open the windows a little to let in the sound of the rain, and smell it. The cold air hits me quickly, making me shiver and step back from the window. The clock ticks slowly as I wait for the first sign of the storm, hoping the weatherman didn’t fail again. Suddenly, a clap of thunder catches my attention and I jump a little in surprise. The violent outburst sends my three dogs scurrying up to my room, ears down in terror.
I turn off the light, close the door, and crawl into bed. My blankets are warm and protecting from the outside weather. Lightning illuminates the night sky, followed by another crack of thunder. The sky lashes out in anger, holding nothing back. All of the sounds mix into a lullaby, the pattering of rain, the panting of dogs, the sudden outbursts of the thunder and the howling of the wind. I close my eyes and relax, enjoying the perfect night with one dog at my feet, one at my side and one next to my bed.
I walk into my room and instantly plop down my heavy school bag. I reach through my pockets and pull out my treasure to rush it to its charger. I push the power button, bringing it to life. It buzzes and a red Verizon wireless screen greets me. I rest it on my desk, its scratched screen lighting up to charge. I longingly flip it open after a brutal day of school. I check the texts and scroll through the pictures as always. I have to press a little harder than I did a year ago, but the buttons respond and that’s all that matters.
The deep red phone looks perfectly in place in my hand. My fingers fly over the QWERTY keyboard with ease as I tell a friend that I’m home at last. My phone hums at the response and I am instantly connected to my friend. My worn out Env2 has seen more than its fair share of what I would probably call phone abuse if I ever had to give a name. It has been dropped on the sidewalks repeatedly, thrown against beds, and has gone through a few water rides due to my ignorance.
The initial cost was about $200, but I had an upgrade and got it for only $50. Right out of the store it is a new, promising phone, foreign to my touch and sense of directions. After spending days figuring out everything that my red Env2 could do it instantaneously became a part of my everyday life. With unlimited texting and minutes the phone bill comes in at around $200 a month, a major improvement from when I could go over my limits and have to pay the extra fees. Honestly, it’s worth every penny, and that’s not just because it’s not my responsibility to pay the phone bill. My cell phone is more than just a cell phone. It holds memories, instant contact with any friend now matter how far away, and all those things I couldn’t ever remember on my own. I depend on this old, vibrate-only (water damage destroyed the sound) phone to wake me up every morning for school. It’s reliable, and can never forget, quite unlike me.
Both my thunderstorm nights and my cell phone offer me a kind of comfort. My cell phones bring me close to my friends, and I feel safe knowing that they are only a text or call away. My thunderstorm nights bring me closer to my animals, and also make me feel safe hidden under the blankets surrounded by animals I’ve known since I was a little kid. They are also completely different. My phone is always with me, and I know it like the back of my hand now. Thunderstorms at night aren’t as common, and they are nowhere near as predictable. I value both of these things a lot. Without my phone, I’d probably be lost. My thunderstorm nights bring back memories and calm me down, and I cherish them. I couldn’t put a price on either one.I value them so much, I don't care what other people's opinions are on their value.
Monday, October 5, 2009
Just Listen Review
In Just Listen the seemingly perfect girl, Annabel Greene, has to deal with family problems, rumors, and a dark secret. Her life was turned upside-down when her so-called-best-friend Sophie caught Annabel with her boyfriend, Will. From what was seen, it could easily have been mistaken as Annabel trying to steal him, but only Annabel and Will knew the truth. Instead of giving Annabel a chance to defend herself she cast her aside and exiled her at school, leaving her to sit by herself next to a stranger. Feeling alone she’s forced to lie to her mom to protect her from knowing how much her daughter is suffering. She’s also burdened with having a sister with an eating disorder, making home no longer a haven from the troubles at school, but a just as difficult situation. Being a model she seems to be the girl who has everything from the outside, but you learn that there’s always something more to someone. Carrying the secret of what really happened at the party with Will, Annabel somehow manages to find truth, friendship and courage during the book.
“Dessen weaves a sometimes funny, mostly emotional, and very satisfying story.”-VOYA
Annabel’s lies, guilt, and fear lead to many emotional situations. She discovers truth and safety in a unique form, a boy who never lies. Dessen creates a realistic and almost too good to be true friend for Annabel, Owen. She leads you on the journey from Annabel’s guilt to finding truth. The author constantly creates a believable atmosphere, filled with teenage drama. She snags your interest by not telling exactly what had happened that was haunting Annabel, only giving you hints, challenging you to put the pieces together and see if you’re right. Her style never gets boring, always hiding a message behind the quotes and realizations.
This book is a lot like Dessen’s other stories, portraying teenage struggles and giving inspiration. Her method of making deep, thoughtful quotes, is in most of her books. Although Just Listen has the same general idea of her other books: being a teenager, the storyline is unique and original.
“Eyes closed, I saw only the blackness, reminding me of this one thing, the most deep of my secrets; eyes open, there was only the world that didn’t know it, bright, inescapable, and somehow, still there” (274).
Sarah Desson recently became one of m favorite author’s due to her exciting plots and inspiring quotes. Her books leave you with a good feeling, knowing that the main character overcame so much. Her characters are so relatable it really does give you hope. Her insight into the teenage mind is comfortable and extremely accurate. She never leaves you with a dull moment as she constantly builds up to her main lesson. I would love to read all of her books.
Friday, September 11, 2009
Hope from a Cousin
A Child Called It-David
How I Live Now-Daisy
Setting- California, David's house
Daisy walked in the warm California air, enjoying the difference between New York and California. She longed to be back in England before all of the drama started but she still enjoyed being away and visiting other cousins. She had never met these people and knew very little about them, but they were still family either way. She reached the house and knocked on the door but there was no answer. She stood there for five minutes but still no one answered. There was no car in the driveway either, so she decided to just open the door, and luckily it was unlocked.
She walked around the house yelling, “Is anyone home?” wondering if they remembered that she was visiting. Out from the basement came a frail boy who was even thinner than she was, he looked slightly nervous and approached her slowly.
“Hey, I’m Daisy. Which son are you?” she asked.
“Dave…” he replied quietly.
“Dave?” Daisy questioned, she hadn’t remembered being told about any kid named Dave. She knew about the two sons and the baby but that was all. This boy seemed extremely weird to her, she could sense that something wasn’t right. She eyed the bruises along his arms, he followed her gaze and quickly explained that he fell down the stairs a few days ago and got very banged up. The words flowed out of his mouth so naturally, like it had been rehearsed a thousand times before.
“So where is the rest of your family?” she asked.
“My mom took them to the zoo,” he answered.
“And you didn’t go?”
“No…I didn’t feel up to it and someone had to be home to greet you. I’m just going to stay home and do a few chores…” Dave said.
“I could help if you want…” she offered, still feeling like something was going on.
He looked at her stunned, like no one had ever offered to help him before. “That would be great…but I wouldn’t want my mom to catch you helping. I don’t think she’d want me to make a guest do any work…” he told her. She had no clue what kind of punishments awaited Dave if his mom found out he had any help.
“Well,” she started, examining his thin figure, “how about we have something to eat? I’m starving.” She lied, eating was the last thing she wanted to do.
“I could make you something…” he said obediently. Daisy shook her head and asked him to eat with her, and he eventually agreed.
They made sandwiches and sat down to eat, Dave eyed the sandwich ravenously. Daisy just picked at hers while she watched her newly found cousin devour his. When he finished she handed him the rest of hers and he didn’t protest. He sat back and looked content but still slightly worried. They cleaned up and sat around for awhile. Daisy asked him a few questions but avoided anything about the bruises and his weight seeing as she’d only known him a few hours.
She helped him a little while he did the chores until they heard a car stop in the driveway. He quickly picked up the pace and told her to go and get settled but she knew he was trying to get rid of her. She turned in the doorway and said, “I’m not sure what you’re going through, but no matter what, I know you can make it through this. Take it from someone with experience in terrible times, things will get better someday.” With that she left Dave to himself, with a tiny glimmer of hope from her words.